Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18 FEB 2009

Man Gets Personalized Plate - And Lots Of Requests For Porn?
EAST MEADOW, New York -- There are 450,292 personalized-license-plate stories in the Nekkid City, Voyeurwebbers. The following is just one of them.Henry DeRossi, 78, of East Meadow, New York, said the plate on his Mercedes-Benz is a reference to his business, Expert Metal Slitters of Long Island City, N.Y., but the triple-X on the plate (XXX PERT) causes many to confuse him for a porn seller.The suburban New York man said: "You'd be surprised how many people stop me when I am at a light and want to buy porn."He told local news media the number of people confused by the plate has grown to the point where his auto dealer has him park the vehicle in a back lot when he brings it in for service.
-- WHAT THE ...?! He gets serviced in the rear? What's with that? Hehehe! I must admit, Voyeurwebbers, that I find it har ... er ... difficult to believe that a 78-year-old in this day and age didn't know a license plate with XXX PERT on it would lead to requests for adult entertainment. And if the car dealer any sense at all, he'd have left Mr. DeRossi's car parked out front, where people would see it and come in to ask about it ... or about something, hehehe! But enough of this. I think we should all head on over to VW's sexplicit RedClouds sextion, where all the ladies are lovely and you won't have to worry about getting moved to the rear ... unless, of course, it's your favorite position, hehehe! -- Igor
EYE ON: Kissing ... Again by K.
Eye is really starting to worry about the time-honored tradition and fun of kissing on the planet, Voyeurwebbers. First, kissing in public was banned in a province of India. The the Mexican city of Guanajuato banned public kissing until public outrage in Guanajuato and throughout Mexico, forced the city council to retreat on the issue. Now the Brits are trying to ban kissing in public. Even worse, they're trying to ban couples kissing goodbye at railroad stations as one of them prepares to leave for work. And it's not the British government or even the local government that is doing this. It was Virgin Trains and the Warrington Chamber of Commerce that did it. Do they even have the authority to ban kissing your spouse goodbye? If so, who gave it to them?Colin Daniels, chief executive of Warrington (England) Chamber of Commerce, told news media the signs were put up at the Warrington Bank Quay station as part of the station's recent remodeling after managers complained that amorous encounters were blocking foot traffic at the station.Station managers said amorous couples sharing passionate farewells or joyous reunions will have to keep their lip-locking limited to designated kissing areas."It was all a bit of fun. But now Virgin Trains have agreed to put them up as part of the refurbishment," said Daniels. "They may seem frivolous but there is a serious message underneath. They certainly make our station unique."Yep, uniquely silly, as Eye sees it. And Eye isn't alone on this either.A 21-year-old expressed doubts the signs would have much effect on commuters. "I don't think it'll stop people," she told a local newspaper.Eye thinks Virgin Trains and the Warrington Chamber of Commerce are off the track on the kissing issue, Voyeurwebbers. Of course, what can you expect from a train company named Virgin? This would never have happened if the company serving Warrington was called the "We've Got Some Experience" train company. What's next, banning soldiers and their partners from kissing at railroad depots as they go off to war? No! Clearly this kissing ban at the Warrington Bank Quay station must fail. Eye thinks this calls for a British commuter rebellion, Voyeurwebbers. Stand your ground Britons! And keep kissing your spouse or significant other or your pet dog or cat goodbye and hello at the Warrington Bank Quay station. Get creative, organize a mass kiss-in protest. K.
Eye hastens to point out that any opinions expressed in this column are entirely his own and are neither those of Voyeurweb nor its management. K.
Relevant AdviceGeorge looked worried when the doctor asked if anything was troubling him. "Well, to tell you the truth, Doc, yes," answered George. "I seem to be getting forgetful. I can't remember where I put the car, or whether I answered a letter, or where I'm going, or what I was going to do once I get there -- if I get there! I need help. What should I do?" The doctor replied in his kindest tone, "Pay me in advance!"

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